Spring brings big changes
March has been Madness! Things are changing quickly.
I'm not kidding about the madness. Last month I received an offer on my house... finally. After Christmas I had decided to settle in for the winter and not worry about moving until spring or summer. Well, Spirit had other ideas. After I accepted the offer on my house, plans fell into motion. Now, just two and a half weeks away from the closing, everything is swirling in my life... like a whirlwind.
Actually, I am excited... thrilled, to be exact. I've wanted this for a long time. I will be moving in with my partner, Doug, and we will wait until his house sells before we make the "Big Move" to Washington state... or wherever Spirit wants us to go. Nothing is set in stone. But this means putting 95 percent of my things into storage and trying to eliminate some of the stuff I don't need. That's always been a challenge. At least at Doug's house I can have my computer, printer and my beloved piano. I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't play music every day.
There is no "good time" for someone to die, but on March 13th my dear mother made her transition after many years suffering from Alzheimers. She was the mother of six children, grandmother to 13 and great-grandmother to another 13. The memorial service is being held in early April, so at least those of us who live far away have had a chance to get travel arrangements in order. Dear Mom was 92 years old and she now joins Dad, who passed away from a massive stroke in 1999.
My memories of the two of them have been strong this last week. I see them as I remember them and consider myself extremely lucky to have had Marv and Marion Schumacher as my parents. I really did have a good childhood and have absolutely no complaints. At least two of my sons will be in attendance at the family gathering in Monona, Wis. in two weeks. My third and youngest son might even fly in from Malaysia... that's how much he loved his grandmother. They all did.
Mom encouraged my writing, my music and my creativity in general. My parents allowed me to be a "free thinker" and to pursue my dreams. I was the first one in our family to earn a college degree, and I have my parents to thank for their guidance and approval. I look forward to seeing all of my siblings in Wisconsin and many of my nieces, nephews, cousins, aunts and uncles. Schumacher funerals are generally upbeat. We celebrate life, not death... and we bask in the memories and joys of the lives we have lived.
After I return from all of this, the whirlwind will intensify and I'm sure I will be glad when moving is done and I'm settled into my cozy nest with the one I love. What an adventure life is!
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Ann Ulrich Miller
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