More Changes Ahead
Life continues to be a journey. I am now looking forward
to another move -- this time to Washington state. I never thought
I'd leave Colorado. I returned to this beautiful state a little
more than two years ago. But apparently there is more to come in a
new place. And I always did have somewhat of a gypsy soul.
Doug and I spent a month in June traveling around the Olympic
Peninsula of Washington state. I confess I was expecting not
to be that impressed... but I was. We rented a vacation
apartment just outside Port Angeles, where we had a view of the
Straits of Juan de Fuca. We explored Olympic National Park,
Hurricane Ridge, traveled along the northern coast to Neah Bay and
took a trek out to view Tatoosh Island. We visited the Hoh
Rainforest twice and kept returning to Forks, Wash., a quaint
little town not far from La Push and Rialto Beach, where we hope
to make our home.
People kept saying we wouldn't like it there because it rains all
the time and the sun doesn't shine like it does here in the Four
Corners. But we didn't mind the rain, and in fact while we were
there we hardly noticed more than a drizzle. I grew up in the
Midwest and am accustomed to gray skies. What draws us the most is
the diversity. You have mountains, you have ocean, you have green!
The climate is not extreme like it is here at 7,000 feet. And I
really have developed an affinity for the ocean.
It's interesting that for decades now I have heeded the warnings
not to live on the coast because of the upcoming earth changes. I
bought into the belief that one of the safest areas in the world
to be, in the event of bad times, is right here in the Four
Corners. Well, that still may be true. But what I've discovered is
that I just don't care any more. When the time comes -- if
the time comes -- I will be where I am supposed to be, whether
it's inland at a safe distance or on a mountain top or in a
And so begins the process of putting our two houses up for sale and packing up our things, getting rid of a lot of stuff, and planning for our future together. I am excited and impatient for all of this to happen. But I realize it will happen in its own divine time. Yes, the housing market is not that great... and it doesn't look like things are going to be better anytime soon... but people still need to live in houses and they do still move around... and Pagosa Springs, Colorado is certainly a Paradise. Both our homes are in excellent shape and will make wonderful homes for the buyers who are already on their way to us.
I am confident that when things happen, they will happen very quickly. This has happened to me before and by keeping a positive attitude and focusing on how I want my life to unfold is key to the process of manifesting a dream. We are looking for a nice place in the country somewhere in the Olympic Peninsula, and we are looking for the right people to live in our homes so we can move on. If you have any ideas, please feel free to email me. You can check out our "For Sale By Owner" offerings at this Web site: http://sundownproperty.tripod.com/index.html
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