No time for Spring Fever this year
Spring has sprung in Pagosa Springs. We are usually a month behind everyone else at this altitude of 7,000+ feet. Winters can be long and cold... but this year we didn't get as much snow as the first year I lived here. The snow melted quickly once the runoff began.
I had a fairly busy winter with publishing projects and now Sonata Summer is going to press in just a couple of weeks for a June publication date. The Star Beacon's 25th anniversary issue was a lot of work, but it is now in the past with a June issue needing to be completed before Doug and I take our next trip to the Pacific Northwest.
So far Spring Fever has not taken hold of me. We've had a taste of the warm weather with 70-degree days and the appearance of robins and bluebirds. My tulips are starting to bloom in the front yard and it's a joy to go out and spend an hour a day weeding the flower beds and listening to the new arrivals -- ruby-crowned kinglets and a finch or two. But I'm too preoccupied to give in to the spell of Spring.
On May 5th the 11th Hour group of light worker friends in my community are getting together for a yard sale (at my home) and I need to keep my house in top shape for possible showings. There was an offer on my beautiful house one week ago, which (unfortunately) I had to turn down. Meanwhile it's necessary to keep up on the advertising. Part of me wants to push, push, push... to get this place sold so we can get to our new home in the Pacific Northwest. But another part of me is saying, "You've done all you can. Now sit back and let the Universe bring you what you desire in a timely fashion." Hmmmm. I'm not sure which way I should go at this point.
And so, with that said, I will continue to push forward with the tasks at hand. Music has become important to my sanity and I've been devoting time each day to piano practice... striving to memorize many of my favorite pieces... and a voice in the distance is calling to me to get out my art supplies and try painting again... as an expression only, not with the purpose of showing anyone or doing it because I feel I have to. Creativity is best when it is unleashed and given its own chance to bloom and flourish.
Next year at this time I visualize myself sitting in a chaise-lounge beside my sweetheart on a deck in our new back yard, surrounded by birdsong and trees with moss on their trunks, breathing in moister, oxygen rich air and trying to describe 20 different shades of gray in the sky above. We are relaxed... we are content... we are retired... and living in Washington state.
Perhaps next year we can succumb to Spring Fever.
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Ann Ulrich Miller
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